Thomas McConkie on how to identify your spiritual beliefs.
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Discovering Your Spiritual Beliefs
Thomas McConkie
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Discovering Your Spiritual Beliefs
Discovering Your Spiritual Beliefs
Thomas McConkie • 00:58

One cannot stress the value of trusting one's intuition and embracing what one truly loves. Our intuition leads us in the direction of what is in line with who we truly are and what gives us happiness and contentment. When we pay attention to our inner voice, we can access a source of wisdom that transcends common sense. It is a wisdom that is unaffected by cultural norms, outside demands, and outside noise.

Accepting what we actually love frees us. By pursuing hobbies and interests that speak to us, it enables us to experience life on our own terms. We discover a sense of purpose and fulfillment. We can lead more authentic, meaningful, and happy lives by listening to our intuition and pursuing the things we love. Everything we do is an expression of who we really are.

But sometimes it can be hard to really embrace what we love and follow our instinct. It takes guts to listen to our inner voice and to be willing to make our own path. However, when we do, we open up new options, opportunities for personal growth, and a profound sense of alignment with our true purpose. By listening to our instincts and embracing what we truly love, we may build an honest, passionate, and meaningful existence.

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Discovering Your Spiritual Beliefs
Discovering Your Spiritual Beliefs
Thomas McConkie • 00:58

One cannot stress the value of trusting one's intuition and embracing what one truly loves. Our intuition leads us in the direction of what is in line with who we truly are and what gives us happiness and contentment. When we pay attention to our inner voice, we can access a source of wisdom that transcends common sense. It is a wisdom that is unaffected by cultural norms, outside demands, and outside noise.

Accepting what we actually love frees us. By pursuing hobbies and interests that speak to us, it enables us to experience life on our own terms. We discover a sense of purpose and fulfillment. We can lead more authentic, meaningful, and happy lives by listening to our intuition and pursuing the things we love. Everything we do is an expression of who we really are.

But sometimes it can be hard to really embrace what we love and follow our instinct. It takes guts to listen to our inner voice and to be willing to make our own path. However, when we do, we open up new options, opportunities for personal growth, and a profound sense of alignment with our true purpose. By listening to our instincts and embracing what we truly love, we may build an honest, passionate, and meaningful existence.

Thomas McConkie
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Thomas McConkie