Relax your inner control freak and let go more fully into the natural ebb and flow of life.
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Waves of Impermanence
Thomas McConkie
Watching Now
Waves of Impermanence
Waves of Impermanence
Thomas McConkie • 24:02

Because life is a perpetual flow of change and evolution, mindfulness teaches us to accept this fact with an open heart and mind. We learn that everything is in a state of change by remaining mindful of our breath, emotions, and ideas.

The concept of impermanence serves as a reminder that nothing lasts and that struggling to let go of ideas about who we are may be stressful. By engaging in mindfulness practices, which teach us to let go of the need for control, we may learn to accept our experiences. We focus on the ups and downs of our breath, our feelings, and the nature of our thoughts. By doing this, we get a fundamental understanding of how change is inevitable and how, by accepting it, we may feel freedom and peace.

Being mindfully present in each moment and enjoying its beauty and lessons is encouraged by the practice of mindfulness. As we negotiate the ever-shifting ways of life, it serves as a reminder to live intentionally, with compassion, and with gratitude. Accepting impermanence allows us to be more receptive to the richness and opportunities that each new moment brings. Take a deep breath, calm yourself, and start this mindfulness journey where impermanence leads to a deeper connection with ourselves and our environment.

Watching Now
Waves of Impermanence
Waves of Impermanence
Thomas McConkie • 24:02

Because life is a perpetual flow of change and evolution, mindfulness teaches us to accept this fact with an open heart and mind. We learn that everything is in a state of change by remaining mindful of our breath, emotions, and ideas.

The concept of impermanence serves as a reminder that nothing lasts and that struggling to let go of ideas about who we are may be stressful. By engaging in mindfulness practices, which teach us to let go of the need for control, we may learn to accept our experiences. We focus on the ups and downs of our breath, our feelings, and the nature of our thoughts. By doing this, we get a fundamental understanding of how change is inevitable and how, by accepting it, we may feel freedom and peace.

Being mindfully present in each moment and enjoying its beauty and lessons is encouraged by the practice of mindfulness. As we negotiate the ever-shifting ways of life, it serves as a reminder to live intentionally, with compassion, and with gratitude. Accepting impermanence allows us to be more receptive to the richness and opportunities that each new moment brings. Take a deep breath, calm yourself, and start this mindfulness journey where impermanence leads to a deeper connection with ourselves and our environment.

Thomas McConkie
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Thomas McConkie