A lot of the time, anxiety sneaks up when you’d least expect it, like when you’re lying in bed at night, sitting down at work, or doing other typical daily tasks. It’s hard to stay present in those moments, and even harder to calm yourself down. There are easy distractions from anxious feelings—TV, food, and social media are pretty common—but the truth is that avoiding those feelings only tends to make things worse. Taking time out to meditate gives your anxiety the space to shrink and dissolve. It’s a bit counterintuitive, but it works. The good news is that God can help you with your anxiety. You can learn to listen to yourself, sit with your emotions, and overcome anxiety with your higher power’s help.

The Skylight app has a five-minute spiritual exercise called “Anxiety Melt” designed to help you find God in your anxious moments. The great thing about this exercise is that you get to work through your anxiety with yourself and God at the same time. You’ll be walked through some mindfulness exercises, which is an important first step whenever you’re approaching difficult emotions. You’ll describe how it feels in your body, identify what’s in and out of your control, and ask God for specific guidance about what to do next. It’s amazing what five minutes can accomplish for you:you’ll feel more clarity, peace, and connection than you did before. Anxiety may feel inescapable in the moment, but pausing, breathing, and engaging with God can help it melt away.

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Try "Anxiety Melt" Exercise

Apr 28, 2022
Anxiety & Stress

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