Feeling spiritually well-rested is crucial for everyone, but especially for parents who often have their hands full with energetic kids. When your kids don’t sleep, you don’t sleep, and it’s often hard to feel well-rested and ready for the day. In this article, we’ll explore three ways to maintain your spiritual wellness, even when the little ones are keeping you up.

Understanding Spiritual Wellness

Spiritual wellness is often associated with finding purpose, understanding one’s place in the larger scheme of things, and developing a sense of meaning. It involves a deep connection with oneself, understanding one’s feelings, beliefs, values, behaviors, and being honest and true to oneself.

Balancing Parenting and Spiritual Wellness

For parents, balancing spiritual wellness while managing a household can be challenging but incredibly rewarding. When you lack the rest and reset that comes with a good nights sleep, spiritual wellness is put on the back burner as your try to power through your day. However, if you practice spiritual self-care as a priority in your life, you’ll find those days with no sleep easier to get through. It’s essential for maintaining your well-being, which in turn, makes you a better parent.

How to Feel Spiritually Well Rested on a Day With No Rest

1. Establishing a Morning Routine

A morning routine can set the tone for the entire day. It provides structure, instills a sense of accomplishment, and can significantly contribute to your spiritual well-being. Children also thrive off routines. When your child practices this routine with you, it can help increase their own spiritual journey and help them to feel well-rested. Here is a morning routine we suggest:

Gratitude Journaling: Start your morning by writing down three things you are grateful for. This can help shift your focus from negativity or tiredness to positive elements in your life.

Meditation and Mindfulness: Spend a few minutes in meditation or prayer, depending on your spiritual beliefs. This can help center your mind and set a positive tone for the day. Here are some tips to start a daily meditation practice:

  • Dedicate a specific time each morning to meditate, ideally after the kids are settled or occupied.
  • Begin with short meditations and gradually increase the time as you become more accustomed.
  • Infuse mindfulness throughout your morning routine. For instance, practice mindful breathing while preparing breakfast or mindfully savoring your morning coffee.
  • If suitable, involve your children in brief mindfulness exercises. This can set a positive tone for everyone.
  • Regularly assess and adjust your routine, ensuring it continues to meet your spiritual and well-being needs.

Here is a meditation we recommend you try with your kids in the morning:

Relax in your cozy space, letting go of immediate concerns. Breathe deeply, focusing only on my voice and your breath. Envision yourself by a tranquil lake under a twinkling starry sky. The first rays of the sun gently warm your face, traveling through your body, and infusing you with comfort and assurance. The increasing light dispels any lingering stress, leaving you feeling buoyant and carefree. Imagine floating towards the sun, embraced by its warm glow, reinforcing your confidence and determination. Remember, you can revisit this serene place whenever you need.
Slowly descend, feeling grounded and content by the lakeside, the sunlight still bathing you in joy and assurance. Deep breaths anchor you, filling you with a growing sense of purpose and energy. With each descending step, feel more connected to the present, ready to embrace the day’s challenges. Finally, standing on the shore, absorb the final moments of warmth and contentment before opening your eyes, feeling empowered and jubilant, ready to face the day with renewed vigor and a serene spirit.

Gentle Movement: Engage in some gentle stretching or yoga. This can help wake up your body and improve your mood.

Hydration and Nutrition: Drink a glass of water and eat a nutritious breakfast. This can help replenish your body and provide the energy needed for the day.

Setting Intentions: Set a clear intention for the day. What do you want to achieve? How do you want to feel? This can help give your day purpose and direction.

2. Seeking Solitude and Silence

Sometimes you may need moments alone to work on your spiritual wellness. After taking care of your kids all night, solitude and silence are invaluable for reflecting on your beliefs, feelings, and experiences.

The Importance of Alone Time

Alone time allows you to reflect, recharge, and gain clarity on your spiritual journey. Through solitude, individuals can explore their thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations, gaining insights into themselves. This self-awareness fosters better life decisions thus making better parenting decisions.

Strategies for Finding Solitude

Strategies can include waking up before the kids, utilizing nap times, or setting aside time in the evening. The key is to be intentional about finding moments of solitude and silence in your day. By finding pockets of solitude, parents can reflect, recharge, and potentially improve their relationships with their children.

3. Nurturing Your Spiritual Connection

Maintaining a connection to something greater than oneself is vital for spiritual wellness.

Engaging in Spiritual Practices

Whether it’s prayer, meditation, or affirmations, engaging in spiritual practices can help strengthen your spiritual connection and provide a sense of peace and purpose.

Affirmations specifically are a great spiritual practice you can engage in with your child. They can help you feel well-rested because they encourage positivity, mindfulness, and gratitude. Here are 5 of the best affirmations to say with your child each day:

Today is going to be a great day: This affirmation sets a positive tone for the day, instilling optimism and expectation of good experiences.

I am a hard worker: This affirmation reinforces a strong work ethic and confidence in one’s ability to put in effort and achieve goals.

I can do hard things: This statement builds resilience and self-efficacy, encouraging children to face challenges with courage and determination.

I am unique: By affirming their uniqueness, children learn to value their individuality and appreciate the diversity in others.

I am loved: This affirmation fosters a sense of security and belonging, reminding children that they are cherished and valued.

Repeating these affirmations daily with your child can contribute to their emotional well-being and spiritual development, cultivating a positive and balanced outlook on life.

Connecting with a Higher Power

Connecting with a higher power, however you define it, can provide a sense of comfort and guidance, helping you navigate the challenges of parenting with grace and wisdom. Here is a morning prayer you can say each day with your child:

"Good morning God, we thank You for gifting us a new day. We are grateful for Your compassion, which is renewed each morning, and we acknowledge Your steadfast love.
God, we might not know what today holds or how much we will accomplish, but we trust that You do. Therefore, we dedicate this day to You. Fill us with Your strength, energize us for the day, and awaken us to the wonder of this beautiful Earth.
Our minds are filled with creative but jumbled ideas. We ask You to bring order to our thoughts. Help us to cease striving and trust that You will provide all we need to fulfill the tasks You’ve set before us.
As we step into this day, we offer gratitude and our trust in You, and pray that You guide us. Amen."


Parenting is chaotic, but it’s also filled with moments of joy and love. Feeling spiritually well-rested is not an unattainable dream for parents. By establishing a morning routine, seeking solitude and silence, and nurturing your spiritual connection, you can maintain your spiritual wellness, even when your kids keep you up! Embrace the chaos, find beauty in the mess, and remember that your spiritual journey is uniquely yours!


Q: Can I practice spiritual wellness with my kids?
Absolutely! Engaging in spiritual practices with your kids can be a bonding experience and teach them the importance of spirituality.

Q: Can mindfulness and meditation help with parenting stress?
Yes, mindfulness and meditation can help manage stress, increase patience, and improve overall well-being.

Q: What if I don’t have a specific spiritual belief or religion?
Spiritual wellness is not limited to religious beliefs. It’s about finding meaning, peace, and connection, which can be achieved through various practices and reflections.

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