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The Importance of Peace in Christianity And Islam

Discover how Christianity and Islam emphasize peace through their teachings and practices, encouraging inner and world peace.

Mindfulness+ Podcast Review: How to Not Suffer

Thomas McConkie, a mindfulness coach and founder of the Lower Lights School of Wisdom, hosts the Mindfulness+ podcast on the Skylight app. In the podcast, Thomas uses his unique skillset as a developmental researcher and spiritual leader to illuminate mindfulness in a new way. Each episode is 20 to 30 minutes long, to help you practice mindfulness in bite-sized chunks. This post is a review of the “How to Not Suffer” episode.
Anxiety & Stress

A Guide To Attain Inner Peace

Attaining inner peace is a universal objective and is defined as the state of being mentally, emotionally, and spiritually calm despite any shortcomings, hardships, or stressors.

How Astrology Can Strengthen Your Faith

In recent years, Gen Z and Millenials have embraced astrology. They hire tarot card readers, subscribe to daily horoscope emails, and put their zodiac signs on their dating profiles. Something about it resonates with them. Astrology is considered a pseudoscience, but that doesn’t mean that it can’t help you in your life.
Anxiety & Stress

Peace Is Hard To Come By--Find Some in These Stories

At The Spirituality Project, we’re collecting stories about moments of Divine connection.

Forest Bathing With The Classical Elements

The fact that we’re even writing an article about the benefits of getting into “nature” shows that there’s a huge problem in how we’re living: we’re seeing nature as separate from ourselves. In reality, humans are part of the interconnected web of nature that makes up our world.

Connect To Your Higher Power Through Nature

There’s something different about nature, something spiritual that makes you more aware of the world around you and your connection to your Higher Power.

Find Your Higher Power At The Beach

The “Come Journal with Me: Beach” activity gives you an opportunity to connect with your higher power through a written meditation.

Try a Skylight Exercise