
Friendship plays a vital role in our lives, providing a sense of meaning, security, and happiness. However, many people find themselves scrolling through their phones, unsure of who to reach out to for companionship or support. Loneliness and disconnection are widespread, particularly among young people who have been greatly affected by the global pandemic. Loneliness is a universal experience that can affect anyone at any stage of life. It's a feeling that can be overwhelming and isolating.

The good news is that it's never too late to make new friends, and there are plenty of opportunities waiting. Today we will explore 5 practical steps backed by scientific information to help you forge new connections and overcome feelings of loneliness.

Why Is Making Friends So Hard?

Making friends as a kid was easier than as an adult. When we were children, the process of making friends seemed effortless. It often involved simple gestures like asking, "Do you wanna be my friend?" and being within a 14-foot radius of another kid. Back then, proximity and a genuine desire to connect were often enough to establish friendships.

Another reason people lack friendships is that they don't prioritize them enough. Many other aspects of life, such as work, commuting, romance, or raising children, can take up significant time and energy, leaving little room for cultivating and maintaining friendships. However, it's essential to recognize the importance of friendships and make them a priority in your life.

5 Steps to Make New Friends

Step 1: Recognize the importance of regular face-to-face interactions

Humans naturally form friendships when they spend casual time together. In the past, living in close-knit communities made it easier to build relationships. Today, it is crucial to prioritize spending time with people in real-life settings. Proximity can be more important than similar interests, as seen in studies conducted in student dormitories, where living closer to each other increased the likelihood of becoming friends. By regularly engaging with others, you create opportunities for new connections to develop naturally.

Step 2: Understand personal preferences and seek out compatible environments

One of the first steps in making new friends is to assess your own interests and hobbies. Make a list of your interests and activities. By taking the time to reflect on the things you enjoy, such as hobbies, interests, and activities, you can gain clarity about your own passions. This self-awareness will be instrumental in finding others who share similar interests.

Different individuals have varying preferences when it comes to socializing. Extroverts may crave sensory stimulation and enjoy lively environments, while introverts tend to prefer quieter surroundings with fewer people. It's essential to identify the environments where you feel comfortable and seek out activities or places where people who share your interests gather. Local clubs, volunteering opportunities, hobby stores, or professional networks can serve as potential avenues for meeting like-minded individuals.

Additionally, don't forget about existing friendships that may have faded over time. Reach out to old friends and try to revive those relationships. Sometimes, a simple call or invitation can make a significant difference, and the other person may appreciate your effort.

Step 3: Take the initiative and create social opportunities

Expanding your social circles is an essential aspect of making new friends. Don't wait for friendships to come to you; be proactive in creating social opportunities. Start by reaching out to your existing network of acquaintances and friends. Let them know that you're interested in meeting new people and ask if they can introduce you to others who share similar interests.

Organize activities such as dinner parties, sports events, board game nights, or group outings. Even using online platforms designed for connecting individuals with similar hobbies can also be incredibly helpful.

Another tactic is to engage in activities you enjoy to meet like-minded people. Once you have identified your interests, it's important to put yourself out there and participate in group activities that align with those interests. By immersing yourself in environments where people share your hobbies or passions, you increase the chances of meeting individuals with whom you already have something in common.

By taking the lead and inviting others, you signal your willingness to connect and foster a sense of community. Initiating contact with people you vibe with can be intimidating, but it's often worth the risk. Remember, the potential rewards of a lifelong friendship far outweigh the temporary discomfort of rejection.

Step 4: Practice genuine interest, care, and sharing

To deepen connections, show genuine interest in others. People appreciate when someone takes the time to understand them and their interests. Actively listen, ask questions, and create a safe space for open conversations. Engage in small talk and ask open-ended questions. Although small talk may not be the most exciting form of conversation, it serves as a stepping stone towards deeper connections. Initiating conversations and asking open-ended questions can help you get to know people better. It's important to remember that not every interaction will result in an instant connection, but by making an effort to engage with others, you increase the likelihood of finding someone you truly connect with.

Additionally, don't hesitate to share your own experiences and stories. Opening up a little allows others to feel comfortable reciprocating, fostering a deeper connection. Remember to strike a balance between sharing and over-sharing, adjusting based on the context and the other person's level of openness.

When meeting new people, don't be afraid to make the first move. It can be intimidating, but remember that they may feel the same way and be interested in forming a friendship. Take the risk and initiate a conversation or invite them to join an activity or event. The worst-case scenario is they decline, but the best-case scenario could be the start of a lifelong friendship.

Step 5: Prioritize friendships and invest time

As mentioned above, one of the main reasons for a lack of friendships is the failure to prioritize them adequately. Many people overlook the fact that maintaining friendships requires regular energy and attention. It's common for other life demands like work, commuting, relationships, or parenting to take precedence.

Balancing between opening up and oversharing may require practice, but it's important to find that line and engage in meaningful conversations.

Another important factors in making friends is spending casual time together. In the past, our ancestors formed relationships by spending time with the people around them in small, close-knit communities. Similarly, in schools and universities, friendships form naturally due to shared activities, schedules, and regular face-to-face interactions.

Be yourself, patient, present, and a good friend. Authenticity is key to establishing genuine connections. By being true to yourself, you attract individuals who appreciate you for who you are. Additionally, patience is essential when building friendships. Rome wasn't built in a day, and the same goes for friendships. Being present and actively participating in your interactions allows for deeper connections to form.

Finally, being a good friend is crucial. Dedicating time and effort to cultivate and nurture friendships is crucial for long-term happiness.Acts of kindness and generosity, such as sharing your last piece of gum, demonstrate your willingness to invest in and nurture a friendship

Make Note

It's important to remember that making friends is not a numbers game or a competition. Each person's social needs and preferences differ throughout life. Some may become more extroverted as they grow older, while others may prefer smaller circles of friends. There is no right or wrong when it comes to the number of friends you have; it's about finding what works best for you.

Patience and kindness towards yourself are also important, especially if you're out of practice in forming new friendships. Building strong friendships takes time and effort, so be patient with yourself and take it step by step. It won't happen overnight, but with consistency, you can make progress.

Lastly, don't be afraid of rejection. It's a natural part of life and can be a useful tool in finding compatible friends. When you communicate honestly and authentically, you'll attract people who resonate with you, while those who don't will naturally drift away. Embrace rejection as a way to filter out those who aren't the right fit for you and focus on building connections with those who appreciate you for who you are.

True friendship is defined by moments of comfort and honesty. As friendships deepen, there is an inherent sense of comfort and ease in each other's presence. It's when you can lovingly point out that someone has something on their face without feeling awkward that you know the bond runs deep. These moments of genuine interaction and shared experiences are what make friendships meaningful and enduring.


Friendships are not simply stumbled upon; they are formed through deliberate efforts and mutual investment. Making new friends can be both simple and challenging. It takes time and commitment to cultivate strong friendships. By following these steps, you can increase your chances of forming meaningful connections and overcoming loneliness. Remember to be patient with yourself, as friendships take time to develop. Show genuine care, share your experiences, and be open to opportunities. Prioritize friendships in your life, invest time, and create social opportunities. By taking these steps, you can build a supportive network of friends that brings joy, companionship, and a sense of belonging. The process may seem intimidating, but the rewards of genuine connections make it worthwhile.

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