Understanding the dynamics of loneliness in college students is essential, as this phase represents a pivotal period in shaping one’s future. College students are the loneliest group of people, and addressing this issue is crucial. Today we dive into the roots of loneliness and offer 5 empowering tips to help!

Why Are College Students Lonely?

College students, particularly those in their first year, commonly experience loneliness due to various reasons. Being away from a familiar and supportive environment, they face the challenge of adapting to a new, diverse, and larger setting. The shift from high school to college brings about changes in academic expectations, social dynamics, and daily schedules, which can be overwhelming. The perception of college life, often influenced by media, can also set unrealistic expectations, leading to disappointment and feelings of isolation. Moreover, the diversity on college campuses might make some students feel out of place, intensifying their loneliness. Additionally, recent research indicates that loneliness is a widespread issue, affecting a significant percentage of college students, especially females and those in the age group of 18-22. Over 80 percent of students report feeling overwhelmed at some point, which can contribute to feelings of isolation and loneliness. Below are some of the main reasons college students feel lonely.

Difficulty Making Friends

Oftentimes, students struggle to form close connections with classmates, when attending a large university. This is amplified when a student is introverted and shy, making it difficult for them to reach out and make new connections. All these factors contribute to feelings of loneliness.

This can also contribute to uneasiness and discomfort with roommates. When you’re uncomfortable around the people you live with, you tend to isolate yourself into a space where you can be solely alone. Roommates are also a significant part of one’s social circle in college, so when you are not friends with them, you feel lonely.

High Expectations

Students often go into college with high expectations of making lots of new friends and having a bustling social life. When reality does not meet these expectations, it can lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation. It can also lead to homesickness; longing of the life you have at home, your friends, and family can increase loneliness and isolation.

Mental Health Challenges

Pre-existing mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression can increase feelings of loneliness and isolation.

Comparison with Others

There seems to be a perception that everyone else is having a good time, making friends, and socializing, which can exacerbate feelings of loneliness and exclusion for those who are struggling to make connections.

Change and Growth

In college you experience constant changes every semester, including shifts in friendships and environments. This ongoing change can make it challenging to form stable, lasting connections, contributing to loneliness.

Another part of college and becoming an adult is the realization and acknowledgment of one's faults. This process of self-growth can be isolating, particularly if peers are not undergoing similar journeys.

5 Tips to Help Loneliness at College

Tip 1: Seek and Offer Social Support

Recognizing when you’re feeling lonely is important because it will encourage you to reach out for help and utilize available resources! Building relationships is foundational to overcoming loneliness. Reach out, connect, and explore various social platforms, clubs, organizations, and sports available on and off campus. This will help you meet like-minded peers and form connections, as well as build relationships with people in the same major or classes providing a support network. Mutual support can be a lifeline in navigating college life.

Try reaching out to classmates by initiating conversations, study groups, or social gatherings. Simple gestures like saying hello, joining study groups, or asking to grab a coffee can start friendships.

Communication is key! Openly communicate feelings with friends, family, or a counselor. Sharing experiences can provide relief and lead to helpful advice or support. Also have open communication with roommates about concerns and boundaries. This can improve living situations and potentially foster better relationships.

If loneliness becomes overwhelming, reaching out for mental health support can be crucial. Consider seeking help from a counselor or a mental health professional. Therapy and medication, can help address underlying mental health issues that contribute to loneliness. Maintaining mental health by recognizing feelings and seeking the necessary help is crucial to combatting loneliness at college.

Tip 2: Maintain Healthy Routines

Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep are paramount. Adopting these healthy routines can significantly improve mental health and mitigate feelings of isolation.

Engage in regular exercise, ideally with a friend. Use campus fitness centers and consider a variety of exercise options and classes. Regular exercise can boost mood and overall well-being, which can be beneficial for mental health.

Eat a balanced diet and incorporate a variety of nutritious foods. Seek assistance if struggling with food security through campus resources like food pantries and meal swipe programs.

Ensure quality and adequate sleep. Reserve the bed for unwinding and sleeping. Maintain a consistent sleep schedule and limit screen time and caffeine intake before sleep.

Prioritize and practice regular self-care. Take time for self-reflection and understand that personal growth can be challenging but is also rewarding.

Tip 3: Pursue Passion and Hobbies

Developing and pursuing interests can be a way to meet people with similar hobbies and also provide a sense of fulfillment. You can try engaging in work or volunteer opportunities. These can provide a sense of purpose and additional opportunities to connect with others.

If feeling mismatched with the current major, try exploring other courses or considering a change in major. This will help you find a better fit and the right support group to help you with loneliness.

Tip 4: Utilize Campus Resources

Most colleges offer counseling and mental health services. Seeking help can provide support and coping strategies for loneliness and any underlying mental health conditions. If you are uncertain about your future path, career counseling and academic advising can help explore options and find a more fulfilling direction!

Tip 5: Foster Self-Compassion and Mindfulness

Understand that feelings of loneliness are common and it’s okay to take time to adjust to new environments. Practicing self-compassion and self-love can be crucial in combating feelings of worthlessness and self-blame that can accompany loneliness. Self-compassion helps combat all the negative emotions you may feel and helps you focus on the positive. Focusing on the positive aspects of college life and the opportunities for growth and development change your perspective on loneliness. The remind you that challenges are temporary and good things lie ahead.

It’s also crucial to be present and grateful. Cherish the present moment and practice gratitude for the people and experiences that come your way. You can do this through mindfulness meditations or gratitude meditations. Try practicing mindfulness and meditation with a friend. Be aware of how you feel during practice and seek help if needed.


Loneliness among college students is a common and multifaceted issue. It arises due to a number of reasons, however, by actively participating in campus life, seeking support, and maintaining existing relationships, and more, students can alleviate feelings of loneliness and build meaningful connections. Embracing the diversity and opportunities offered by college life can lead to personal growth and lasting friendships.

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