Loneliness is a universal feeling that everyone, at one point or another, has grappled with. It’s an increasing problem, with reasons ranging from more technology usage, overworking, and the rise in remote work. It can also be spurred by more personal issues such as life events, loss, feeling out of sync with surroundings, and big changes. Loneliness is different than solitude. Solitude is a desired, purposeful state of being alone while loneliness is unwanted feelings of isolation. Learning to heal a state of loneliness comes from first improving your mental health. When you take care of your mental health, you a better equipped to handle the loneliness of crazy days. Today we’ll discuss practical strategies for loneliness on crazy days!

How To Not Feel Lonely During Crazy Days

The chaos and unpredictability of certain periods can amplify feelings of isolation. Here are 5 strategies to keep in mind:

Identifying the Root of Loneliness

Recognize the root cause and the significance of your loneliness. Sometimes, acknowledging the trigger can pave the way for a solution. Other time, understand yourself can help you identify the root of your loneliness. By knowing who you are, what you value, and what brings you joy, you can more intentionally engage in activities and relationships that resonate with your authentic self, which can help alleviate feelings of loneliness.

Building a Healthy Routine

Establishing a flexible and set routine can help alleviate feelings of loneliness, especially during chaotic days. Here’s some recommendations on how to establish a good routine:

Listen To Your Needs

Learn to listen to your body. Ask yourself what motivates you and listen to that internal motivation. When you listen to your body, you will be more inclined to do your daily tasks because you will feel an actual desire and motivation to do them. Do something because you want to, rather than because you have to; it allows tasks to feel more fulfilling. Learn to be more flexible and work with your natural rhythms rather than against them!

Break Down Tasks

Simplify and break down tasks. This makes them more achievable and reduces the feeling of disappointment when you don’t complete a big task.

Redefine Productivity

Take breaks and give yourself a rest. Redefine rest as an investment in your productivity.

Focus on Well-being

Build a routine that isn’t just about productivity, but also about mental well-being. Having a routine can help you fight anxiety, depression, stress, and loneliness. When you take care of your mental health, you feel more connected with yourself and les lonely.

Constant Evolution

Be aware that your routine might change as you evolve. This adaptability can make one resilient during tumultuous days.

Practicing Self-compassion and Mindfulness

Be kind to yourself. Utilize techniques like meditation or journaling to stay present and foster a sense of self-worth. During meditations, practice mindfulness by reflecting on your decisions throughout the day and asking yourself, “how could I have practiced more self-compassion in this moment?”

Connecting with Others

The opposite of loneliness is meaningful connection, not just with others but with oneself. A deeper understanding of oneself can lead to a better understanding of others. This understanding can foster deeper human connections, which are essential for combatting loneliness.

Be proactive in your relationships. Take the initiative and reach out to make plans. Make specific plans so that you’re prepared for the interaction as well as what craziness may arise from the day.

On particularly chaotic days, seeking out genuine interactions, whether it's a brief conversation with a colleague or a quick call to a loved one, can help combat feelings of loneliness.

Take up new Hobbies to Combat Loneliness

Taking up Artistic Pursuits

Dive into the world of art. Painting, writing, or playing a musical instrument can be therapeutic outlets.

Physical Activities for Mental Wellness

Activities like jogging, cycling, or even just walking can alleviate feelings of loneliness. The bonus? A healthier body and a clearer mind.

Learning Something New

A new hobby or skill can act as a wonderful distraction. Whether it's cooking, a new language, or digital photography, immerse yourself and reap the benefits.


Dealing with loneliness, especially during turbulent times, can be challenging. But with the right strategies and mindset, it's possible to cultivate connections and foster a sense of belonging. Remember, it's okay to seek help and lean on your community when needed. You're never truly alone.


Q: Can hobbies genuinely help reduce feelings of loneliness?
Absolutely! Engaging in hobbies can offer a sense of purpose and connection, especially if these are group activities or foster interactions with others.

Q: Is it normal to feel lonely even when surrounded by people?
Yes, loneliness doesn't necessarily equate to being alone. It's possible to feel isolated even in a crowd, often stemming from feelings of disconnection or not being understood.

Q: Are there any health implications linked to chronic loneliness?
Chronic loneliness can have several health implications, including increased risks of mental health disorders, cardiovascular diseases, and a weakened immune system.

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