It’s National Day of Prayer! Did you know that 61% of Americans pray? Prayer is a powerful and transformative tool that can bring us closer to God and help us achieve the impossible. It is not just a means of getting God to do our bidding, but a way of aligning our will with His and tapping into the supernatural power that is available to us through faith. After prayer Americans most often feel calm, grateful, and connected; which is why prayer is a powerful tool to manage anxiety! Today we will discuss prayer for anxiety, how it benefits you and methods to get you started.

See the research results on Prayer in the U.S: 2023 American Prayer Wrap

What is Anxiety?

Do you constantly worry about the future, feel nervous and tense, and find it hard to calm down? If so, you're not on your own. Millions of people all over the world struggle with anxiety.

Anxiety is a feeling of unease, like worry or fear, that can be mild or intense. It is a typical response to real-life events, but it becomes a problem or even a disorder when it gets really bad and makes day-to-day life hard. It's a normal reaction to stress, and it often comes with physical symptoms like a fast heartbeat, sweating, and shakiness. Anxiety can be caused by many things, like genes, life events, and chemical imbalances in the brain.

Some people have anxiety about really specific things and are afraid of heights, snakes, spiders, or something else. These are called phobias, and when people avoid these things, the anxiety mostly stays away. But when people can't avoid their phobias, that's a real problem. Anxiety can be so intense that people are at a risk of suicide and they use alcohol or drugs to cope. However, anxiety is treatable, and most people can get their life back to where they want it to be.

The Power of Prayer for Anxiety

Prayer is a powerful tool that can help us find peace and comfort when we are feeling anxious or stressed. We can get strength and help from a source bigger than ourselves if we connect with a higher power. Prayer can also help us live in the moment and stop worrying about what will happen next.

Researchers have found that prayer is good for your mental health. A study in the Journal of Behavioral Medicine found that people who prayed daily had less anxiety and depression than those who didn't pray.

The Benefits of Prayer for Anxiety

Adding prayer to your plan for dealing with anxiety can help you in many ways. Some of the most important advantages are:

Feelings of calm and relaxation get stronger
Prayer can help us feel more relaxed and calm, which can make us less likely to sweat and have a fast heartbeat, which are both signs of worry. By focusing on our breathing and repeated soothing phrases, we can slow down our thoughts and feel calm and still inside.

Stress Relief and Taking Charge
The best way to stop worrying is to realize that God is still in charge, even when we aren't. One of the best ways to tap into God's peace and feel calm in the middle of emotional storms is to pray. Prayer helps us learn to trust God and trade our fears for His peace. Prayer also stresses the value of humility by reminding us that God is in charge, which makes us feel less stressed. We are told to give all our worries to God because He will take care of them.

Improved Sleep
Anxiety can make it hard to fall asleep and stay asleep, which can make you tired and cause you to feel more anxious. Prayer can help us calm down and let go of our problems, which can make it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep all night.

Getting better at coping
Prayer can help us learn how to deal with stress and worry. We can see our problems more clearly and find the strength and courage to face them if we connect with a greater power.

More ability to bounce back
Prayer can help us become more resilient, which makes it easier for us to get back on our feet after hard times. By trusting and believing in a greater power, we can feel more sure that we can handle whatever life throws at us.

Having a closer connection with God and praying both meditatively and in everyday language have been linked to good things, like emotional well-being.

How to Pray for Anxiety

There are many ways to pray for anxiety. Some people like to say prayers that have been around for a long time, while others like to make up their own. The most important thing is to find a way that works for you and makes you feel real and important.
Here are some suggestions on how to pray for anxiety:

Choose a place that is calm and quiet.
Find a place that is quiet and peaceful where you can pray without being interrupted. This could be a room in your house, a place in nature where you can be alone, or a place of prayer.

Pay attention to your breathing
Take slow, deep breaths to calm your body and mind. Focus on the feeling of air going in and out of your lungs, and let go of any tension or worry you might be feeling.

Repeat a Phrase to Calm
Pick a calming word or affirmation to say to yourself over and over as you pray. This could be something like "I am at peace" or "I trust God's plan."

Ask for help and advice
Ask for help and direction from a higher power, like God, the universe, or some other spiritual force that speaks to you. Be clear about what you want and have faith that you will get the help and direction you need.

Express Gratitude
At the end of your prayer, thank God for the good things in your life. This can help you shift your attention from anxiety and worry to the good things in your life, making you feel happier and more satisfied.

Make Prayer a Regular Practice
Make prayer a normal part of how you deal with stress. Even if it's just a few minutes, set aside time every day to pray. This will help you get closer to a higher power and feel the many positive effects of prayer for anxiety.

Examples of Prayers for Anxiety

If you don't know where to start praying for anxiety, here are some prayers you can use or change to fit your needs:

Prayer for Anxiety
God, I want to thank you for being there for me and pray to you. There is a lot of uncertainty in the world, which can be scary and cause worry. I pray for everyone who feels worried or scared, but especially for myself when I do. I want to get better. I ask you to take away the fear of those who are afraid of what might happen and give them peace. I ask you to help me in certain situations and to give me the strength to have hope. I ask you to shower me with your peace and take away all my fears. Amen.

Pray for Peace
God, I come to you with a worried heart and a mind that is going too fast. I'm asking you to bring me peace and quiet right now. Help me let go of my worries and fears and trust in your love and safety. Give me a peace and happiness that goes beyond what I can understand. Thank you for being kind and wise. Amen.

Prayer for Strength
God, I'm weak and stressed out by the problems I'm facing. I ask you to give me the courage and strength to face my fears and questions. Help me remember that I'm not alone and that anything is possible with your help. Give me the knowledge and direction I need to make the right choices and the strength to stick with them. We appreciate your love and help. Amen.

Prayer for Trust
God, it's hard for me to believe that you have a plan for my life. I worry about the future and have trouble believing in myself. I want you to help me let go of my fears and put my trust in your love and direction. Help me remember that even when things are bad, you are always with me. Give me the confidence and hope I need to move forward with faith and trust. Thank you for being kind and forgiving. Amen.


Anxiety can be hard and make you feel overwhelmed, but prayer can be a strong way to find peace and comfort when things are hard. We can feel less anxious and more calm and strong if we connect with a greater power and pay attention to the present moment.

No matter if you believe in God or not, you can make prayer fit your own beliefs and ideals. By making prayer a regular part of your plan to deal with worry and making it a habit, you can enjoy the many benefits of this powerful tool for mental health.


Q: Does prayer help with anxiety?
A: Studies have shown that prayer can improve mental health, such as by making anxiety and depression feelings less severe. But prayer is only one tool in a plan to deal with worry as a whole, and it may not work for everyone.

Q: Do I need to be religious to pray for anxiety?
A: No, you don't need to be religious to pray for worry. Prayer can be a religious or nonreligious act, and you can change it to fit your own beliefs and ideals.

Q: Can I pray for the worry of someone else?
A: Yes, you can pray for the worry of a friend, family member, or anyone else who needs help. Praying for others can be a powerful way to show love and support, and it can also help you improve your own faith and connection with a higher power.

Q: How often should I pray when I'm worried?
A: There is no hard-and-fast rule about how often you should pray if you are anxious. Prayer should be a regular part of your plan to deal with anxiety. How often and for how long you pray will depend on your own needs and tastes.

Q: Can prayer take the place of getting professional help for anxiety?
A: No, you shouldn't pray for worry instead of getting help from a professional. Prayer can be a good way to deal with worry, but it can't take the place of therapy or medicine. If you're having trouble with anxiety, it's important to talk to a mental health expert.

Q: Can prayer help in the moment with anxiety?
A: Yes, prayer can be a good way to deal with worry right now. Taking a few deep breaths and saying a calming prayer or affirmation can help you shift your mind away from worry and into a state of peace and calm.

Other Related Articles:

Using Prayer To Cope With Anxiety And Depression
What Is Anxiety? Understanding The Basics Of This Common Mental Health Condition

Anxiety Unveiled: Understanding, Coping, And Meditation Away Your Worries

Other Related Exercises:

Affirmation For Anxiety
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May 4, 2023
Anxiety & Stress

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