In a compelling exploration of happiness, a recent episode of "The One" challenged a group of 100 women to participate in a happiness assessment in order to determine the happiest individual among them. This unique format not only tested perceptions of joy but also delved deep into the emotional landscapes of the participants, offering a mirror to society's complex relationship with happiness.

The Set-Up

Participants were ranked based on their responses to a happiness assessment, and the challenge was to deduce who topped this happiness index. As rounds progressed, individuals were gradually eliminated based on group consensus and self-assessment. Throughout the process, themes such as self-perception, societal expectations, and personal struggles with happiness became apparent. The interactions and conversations among the participants highlighted the diverse factors that contribute to individual happiness levels. The experiment was not just a game but a reflection of real-life challenges and the various ways individuals navigate them.

Happiness and You

One notable aspect that emerged from the assessment was the role of self-awareness, self-esteem, and authenticity in one's happiness. There is a deep and intrinsic relationship between self-esteem and happiness. Societal structures, such as grading in schools, can embed a sense of worthiness or unworthiness in individuals from a young age. This system of external validation often leads children and later adults to measure their self-esteem based on the opinions and assessments of others, which can significantly affect their happiness.

Participants expressed feelings of guilt, self-doubt, and the pressure to appear happy despite internal struggles. This internal conflict reflects the societal norm of constant positivity and the challenges individuals face in navigating their true emotions amidst external expectations.

It’s important to develop a strong inner life or a rich spiritual world to counteract negative external influences. By nurturing a strong sense of self and personal belief, individuals can shield themselves from negative judgments and maintain their happiness. The concept that "believing is seeing" suggests that our happiness and self-esteem are shaped by our beliefs about ourselves and the world. When we believe in our inherent worth and capabilities, we are more likely to experience happiness and fulfillment.

Moreover, all of us, regardless of our abilities or societal status, possess intrinsic value and unique gifts, which are crucial for personal happiness. By recognizing and embracing our inherent worth and rejecting societal judgments that equate value with achievement or appearance, we can sustain our self-esteem and thereby enhance our overall happiness. This approach encourages a shift from external validation to internal acceptance, fostering a healthier, more resilient sense of self that is less vulnerable to fluctuations in external circumstances.

Role of the Skylight App

Amidst the emotional highs and lows, the Skylight app offers spiritual wellness tools for increasing your happiness! Try our affirmations and mindfulness exercises to find some personal peace and feel joy. The Skylight app is a great practical tool to use during your journey to increased personal happiness.


The experiment concluded with surprising revelations about who was perceived as the happiest and the actual rankings. It underscored that happiness is not about a constant state of joy but the resilience and perspective one maintains through life's ups and downs.

This experiment serves as a powerful reminder of the complexities of happiness. It challenges us to consider how we perceive and value our own and others' emotional states. It challenges us to look outside each other for happiness, instead focusing on our own self-worth and self-esteem. As one of the happiest participants said, “If something bad happens, it’s not the end of the world. I have peace, I have God.”

For anyone struggling to find their happy place, tools like the Skylight app offer a starting point for cultivating mindfulness, gratitude, and a positive outlook on life.

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May 13, 2024

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