Spring break is a time of rejuvenation and renewal, offering the perfect opportunity to engage in activities that nurture the mind, body, and soul. While many may associate this period with parties and relaxation, it's also an ideal time to explore spiritual practices that can bring a deeper sense of fulfillment and connection. Here are five spiritual activities to consider incorporating into your spring break itinerary:

1. Connecting with Nature

Hiking in Serene Locations

One of the most profound ways to reconnect with oneself and the universe is by immersing in nature. During spring break, venture out to scenic trails or nature reserves where you can breathe in the fresh air, listen to the soothing sounds of birds chirping, and witness the beauty of blooming flowers.

Hiking offers numerous benefits, including enhancing mental and physical health. It encourages outdoor activity, reducing stress and regulating the circadian rhythm. Hiking serves as a disconnection from digital distractions, allowing for self-reflection, emotional processing, and increased connection with God. It boosts mood by decreasing negative thought patterns and increasing feelings of positivity. Physically, hiking burns more calories, especially on uneven terrain, promotes better sleep, reduces stress levels, and improves balance and core stability through varied terrain and carrying a backpack.

Meditation in Nature

Take your meditation practice outdoors and find a tranquil spot amidst trees, near a flowing stream, or overlooking a breathtaking vista. Spend time in silent reflection, focusing on your breath and grounding yourself in the present moment. Nature has a way of calming the mind, awakening a sense of peace within, and inviting a connection with your higher power, making it an ideal setting for deepening your spirituality.

Here is a meditation to try:
Begin by finding a comfortable position, keeping your back straight and eyes closed, to bring your full attention to the present. Breathe deeply, allowing your mind and body to relax, and let your breath flow naturally. Gradually bring your awareness from the top of your head down to your toes, observing any sensations and allowing each part of your body to soften and relax with your breath.
As you conclude the meditation, notice the calm and relaxation in your body, a state often reached through meditation which aids in stress reduction and clearer decision-making. Meditation serves as a tool to calm the mind, particularly useful during stressful times. Gently bring your attention back, moving fingers and toes, and open your eyes, carrying this peace with you throughout your day.

2. Practice Tai Chi

Engage in gentle movements that promote mindfulness and relaxation by attending Tai Chi sessions. These ancient practices combine physical postures, breathwork, and meditation to cultivate balance, flexibility, and inner harmony. To start practicing Tai Chi as a beginner, we recommend you you try this skylight exercise: Tai Chi For Anxiety With Amelia.

Setting aside regular practice time each day and possibly practicing with friends can enhance the Tai Chi experience. Remember, progressing gradually, learning a few movements well before moving on, and practicing them until they can be done from memory is advised for better absorption and enjoyment of Tai Chi.

Tai Chi benefits include improved physical health, such as muscular strength, flexibility, and fitness, as well as mental balance and stress management. It promotes inner peace, enhancing one's ability to understand others and improving relationships not only with yourself, but with God. Tai Chi's slow, meditative movements foster a connection with oneself and nature, making it a spiritual practice that harmonizes body, mind, and soul, enhances awareness, and contributes to a deep sense of well-being.

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced practitioner, dedicating time to mindful movement can enhance your overall well-being and spiritual awareness.

3. Art Therapy Workshops

Unleash your creativity and explore your inner world through art therapy workshops. Whether it's painting, sculpting, or collage-making, expressive arts can serve as a powerful means of self-expression and healing.

Art therapy is a spiritual practice because it offers a profound way to connect with one's inner self, emotions, and experiences on a deeper level. The act of creating art allows individuals to express themselves beyond words, tapping into their subconscious and exploring their spirituality. Through art, one can meditate on their feelings, thoughts, and the essence of their being, facilitating a form of spiritual healing and self-discovery. The process of making art can serve as a ritual of self-care and mindfulness, where the focus on the present moment and the act of creation can lead to a state of flow, akin to a meditative state. This practice can help individuals find meaning, purpose, and a sense of connection to God and something greater than themselves.

How do I begin with art therapy?

To begin with art therapy, you don't necessarily need any previous experience with art or therapy. Here are some steps to get started:

Find an Art Therapist: Look for a certified art therapist who can guide the process professionally. This person should have the qualifications and experience to provide art therapy services.
Set Your Intentions:
Consider what you want to achieve through art therapy. Whether it's addressing mental health concerns, exploring spirituality, or seeking connection to a higher power, having clear goals can help guide your sessions.
Embrace Openness:
Approach art therapy with an open mind and willingness to explore your thoughts and emotions through art.
Gather Materials:
While your art therapist will likely provide materials, you might also want to keep basic art supplies (like paper, markers, paints) at home for personal exploration.
Participate Actively:
Engage in the process by attending sessions regularly and investing yourself in the art-making and reflective discussions with your therapist.

What are the benefits of art therapy?

Art therapy offers numerous benefits, including:

Emotional Release: Provides a safe outlet for expressing feelings and thoughts that might be hard to articulate verbally.
Stress Reduction:
The process of creating art can be therapeutic and relaxing, helping to lower stress levels.
Improved Self-Esteem:
Completing artistic projects can boost confidence and self-worth.
Enhanced Self-Discovery:
Helps individuals explore their emotions, experiences, and inner conflicts, leading to greater self-awareness.
Coping Skills:
Facilitates the development of coping mechanisms for dealing with various life challenges and mental health issues.
Improved Cognitive Abilities:
Engaging in art can stimulate cognitive functions and encourage creative thinking.
Social Connection:
Group art therapy sessions provide a sense of community and support among participants.

How can you start creative pursuits and art therapy during spring break?

Spring break offers a great opportunity to start engaging in creative pursuits and explore art therapy. Here are some ideas:

Personal Art Projects: Dedicate time each day to create something, whether it's drawing, painting, sculpting, or any other form of art that interests you.
Join an Art Workshop: Look for art workshops or classes happening during spring break. These can provide structure and introduce you to new techniques.
Start an Art Journal:
An art journal can be a personal space for you to express your thoughts and feelings through drawings, paintings, and collages.
Online Art Therapy Sessions:
Many art therapists offer online sessions, which can be a convenient way to start art therapy during a break.
Group Art Making:
Organize a group art-making session with friends or family. This can be a fun way to explore creativity and express yourself in a supportive environment.

Starting with these activities can open the door to a fulfilling journey of self-exploration and healing through art.

4. Exploring Cultural and Religious Sites

Visiting Temples, Churches, or Synagogues

Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of spiritual traditions by visiting temples, churches, or synagogues in your local area or travel destination. Take a guided tour, attend a worship service, or participate in a meditation or prayer session. Exploring sacred spaces can offer a profound sense of reverence and connection, regardless of your personal beliefs.

Here are some Skylight articles on religion to aid in your exploration:
Pathways Of Belief: Hinduism

Pathways Of Belief: Buddhism

Pathways Of Belief: Judaism

Pathways Of Belief: Shinto

Pathways Of Belief: Taoism

Pathways Of Belief: Sikhism

5. Volunteering and Community Service

Joining Local Charity Events

Give back to your community and make a positive impact by volunteering your time and talents during spring break. Volunteering directly benefits the community, such as improving local environments, supporting youth programs, or aiding community services. You can find somewhere to volunteer that caters to your different interests and skills. Things such as gardening, trail maintenance, working with animals, or assisting at local service departments! There is such a variety in volunteer work that everyone can find something that resonates with their passions and inspires your spring break.


Spring break offers more than just a chance to unwind and indulge in leisure activities—it's an opportunity to nourish your spirit and cultivate a deeper sense of meaning and purpose in life. By engaging in spiritual practices such as connecting with nature, practicing mindfulness, exploring creativity, visiting sacred sites, and serving others, you can embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and inner growth.


Q: How can I find local resources or events related to these spiritual activities?
You can start by searching online for local yoga studios, meditation centers, art therapy workshops, religious institutions, or volunteer organizations in your area. You can also ask friends, family, or community members for recommendations.

Q: What are the benefits of incorporating spiritual activities into my spring break plans?
Engaging in spiritual activities can promote relaxation, stress reduction, self-awareness, and personal growth. They can also deepen your connection to yourself, others, and the world around you, fostering a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment.

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