Today we invite you to look inward and ask yourself the question, how spiritual are you? The modern world today leaves little time for self-reflection and inner exploration. But in this article, we're going to delve deep into the realm of spirituality and help you become more aware of your own spiritual journey.

Understanding Spirituality

Spirituality is a deeply personal and unique experience for each individual. It transcends religious beliefs and rituals, encompassing a profound connection to oneself, others, and the universe. At its core, spirituality is about seeking meaning, purpose, and a sense of inner peace.

What is spiritual awareness?

Spiritual awareness is the ability to connect with and maintain a deep, non-judgmental, and present awareness of one's own inner experiences and the external world. It refers to a heightened state of consciousness in which individuals become acutely attuned to their spiritual selves and the presence of a divine or transcendent force, such as God. It involves knowing and understanding your thoughts, emotions, actions, and sensory perceptions without attachment or aversion. Spiritual awareness is often cultivated through practices like meditation, where individuals learn to observe their mental and emotional states with clarity and compassion. It is the realization that our fundamental quality of mind, which is pure and calm, is always present beneath the surface of our thoughts and emotions.

How do you assess your own spiritual awareness?

Assessing your own spiritual awareness involves recognizing your level of mindfulness, presence, and connection to your inner self as well as with the divine. It's about understanding how well you can maintain awareness of your thoughts, feelings, actions, and surroundings. It requires considering whether you have experienced moments of heightened awareness or presence of God in your life. To assess your own spiritual awareness, you can ask yourself if you are able to truly know what you are thinking, feeling, doing, seeing, and hearing in each moment. It's about being honest with yourself about the depth of your awareness and mindfulness.

Stages of Spiritual Awakening

Stage One: Unconsciousness

In this stage, individuals are primarily unconscious and deeply entrenched within their ego. They identify with their thoughts and emotions, lacking separation from their ego. They often react defensively and negatively to life events, feeling like life happens to them. Trauma may define their identity, and they view others through their own perceptions and projections.

Stage Two: Ego Death

Ego death involves a total breakdown of the ego or a loss of the subjective self. All previously held labels and identities, such as gender, age, and beliefs, are seen as unreal. There is a separation between the subjective self (ego) and the Observer self, leading to an awareness of the Observer self in the background.

Stage Three: The Search

In this phase, individuals begin searching for the truth, exploring questions about their true identity, the meaning of life, and their connection to God. They engage in spiritual practices such as reading spiritual books, seeking spiritual teachers, and practicing meditation, among other exercises.

Stage Four: Emergence of the Authentic Self

The authentic self, similar to one's childhood self before societal conditioning, emerges. Individuals can no longer pretend or tolerate unbalanced relationships. They may make significant life changes, such as leaving jobs or relationships that no longer resonate with their true selves. This stage involves purging old emotional wounds and experiencing physical and energetic shifts.

Stage Five: Life of Alignment

In the final stage, individuals live a life of alignment with every aspect of themselves and the world. They connect deeply with their soul, mind, and body, forgiving their limitations and practicing self-compassion. Compassion extends to others, understanding their limitations and showing unconditional love. A sense of connection to everything, including nature and the spiritual realm, deepens. Knowledge and wisdom open up, and individuals see the interconnectedness of all beings. There is a recognition that there is no absolute right or wrong, and everyone is playing their part in the grand scheme of existence.

It's important to note that these stages may not follow a linear progression for everyone, and individuals may revisit or skip stages in their spiritual journey. Each person's spiritual path is unique, and the experiences may vary.

Nurturing Your Spirituality

Nurturing spirituality involves practices and techniques that help you enhance your spiritual awareness and deepen your connection to your inner self. Here are some ways to nurture your spirituality:


Engage in meditation practices that allow you to observe your thoughts and emotions without judgment. Meditation helps you connect with your awareness and develop mindfulness.


Embrace all aspects of yourself, including your fears, anxieties, and weaknesses, with self-kindness and self-compassion. Acceptance is a crucial part of spiritual growth.

Open Awareness Meditation

Explore advanced meditation techniques like open awareness meditation, where you simply "be" and allow your awareness to exist without needing external support. This practice can lead to profound spiritual experiences.

Mindful Living

Extend your spiritual practice into your daily life. Be present and mindful in all your activities, whether it's eating, walking, or interacting with others.


Take time to reflect on your spiritual journey, assess your progress, and set intentions for further growth.
Nurturing spirituality is a personal and ongoing process that may involve a combination of these practices and others that resonate with you. The key is to cultivate a deeper sense of awareness and connection to your true self.


In a world filled with distractions and external pressures, finding and nurturing your spirituality is a journey worth embarking on. Remember that your path is unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to spiritual awareness. By exploring your inner self, embracing mindfulness, and continually nurturing your spirituality, you can embark on a transformative journey towards a more profound connection with yourself and the universe.

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