Anxiety & Stress

Anxiety & Stress

Anxiety Unveiled: Understanding, Coping, and Meditating Away Your Worries

Anxiety is a whole-person reaction that triggers various symptoms, but there are many ways to overcome anxiety such as seeking professional help, practicing relaxation techniques, engaging in physical activity, setting manageable goals, and gradually exposing oneself to anxiety-provoking situations.
Anxiety & Stress

Decrease Anxiety with These Free Meditations

Anxiety affects the mind and body, and spirituality can be used as a tool to decrease anxiety levels. The Skylight app is recommended for free spiritual exercises, including yoga, meditations, and visualization exercises, which can help people decrease anxiety levels.
Anxiety & Stress

Grounding the Mind and Spirit

In today's fast-paced world, it can be easy to lose sight of what truly matters and how spirituality can play an important role in people's days by providing a sense of connection and purpose. Grounded and meditative work can aid in strengthening this connection.
Anxiety & Stress

Anxiety, Your Higher Power, and the Struggle for Mental Peace

Millenials are increasingly finding solace in spirituality, particularly through organized religion, meditation, and mindfulness practices, as a means of coping with stress and anxiety. Research suggests that religious practices such as church attendance, prayer, and meditation can have a positive effect on mental health and can provide a sense of purpose, community, and emotional outlet.
Anxiety & Stress

Finding Inner Peace: The Role of Spirituality in Calming the Mind and Soul

Inner peace and spirituality are closely connected, with many people finding that their spiritual practices help them to achieve inner peace, and inner peace can often be a byproduct of one's spiritual journey.
Anxiety & Stress

A Guide To Attain Inner Peace

Attaining inner peace is a universal objective and is defined as the state of being mentally, emotionally, and spiritually calm despite any shortcomings, hardships, or stressors.
Anxiety & Stress

The Gift of Pain

What is pain? What is its purpose? Why do we experience it?
Anxiety & Stress

Peace Is Hard To Come By--Find Some in These Stories

At The Spirituality Project, we’re collecting stories about moments of Divine connection.
Anxiety & Stress

Improve Your Mental Health with Spiritual Wellness in These 3 Ways

There are several different spheres in wellness—mental, emotional, physical, and social are the most commonly discussed. But one sphere that’s often ignored is spiritual wellness. It’s not talked about as much as all the other spheres, but it’s just as important because spirituality is a piece of who you are.
Anxiety & Stress

Can Your Higher Power Help With Anxiety

The Skylight app has a five-minute spiritual exercise called “Anxiety Melt” designed to help you find your Higher Power in your anxious moments.
Anxiety & Stress

Using Prayer to Cope With Anxiety and Depression

No one can do it alone, so lean on God.
Anxiety & Stress

The Science Behind Meditation

The mental, spiritual, and physical benefits of meditation are supported by evidence-based studies.
Anxiety & Stress

Spirituality and Anxiety

Free your mind by unlocking the healing powers of spirituality.
Anxiety & Stress

6 Simple Ways to Balance Your Mind and Body

It's time to get in touch with your needs.
Anxiety & Stress

How to Manage Emotions When Life Gets Tough

Working through emotions nourishes our spiritual self and provides inner light. And light helps dispel darkness.
Anxiety & Stress

Finding Quietness Through the Chaos

Mastering quietness is a key component of your spiritual health.
Anxiety & Stress

Finding Balance of Mind, Body, and Soul

Patience is required to learn the art of balance. Incorporate mental evaluations throughout your day and make gradual changes.
Anxiety & Stress

Easing Election Anxiety: Three Facts to Fight Fear

Make fear work for you and not against you.
Anxiety & Stress

How to Balance to Avoid Burn Out

How do we evaluate and undertake balancing our lives?
Anxiety & Stress

5 Ways to Control Your Anger and Find Peace

Get your anger under control before your anger controls you.
Anxiety & Stress

5 Types of Meditation

Meditation is limitless.
Anxiety & Stress

Spiritual Devotion Holds The Potential To Enhance Your Overall Wellness

The world is facing a global mental health crisis. Advice on how to address this crisis varies; what often goes unmentioned is the potential positive impact of faith and spirituality on enhancing mental health and overall wellbeing. 

Try a Spiritual Self-Care Practice